The Relationship between Longevity and Lifespan Variation

Andrea Nigri , Sapienza, University of Rome
Elisabetta Barbi, Sapienza University of Rome
Susanna Levantesi, Sapienza University of Rome

This paper contributes to the current debate on the relationship between lifespan variation and life expectancy by analyzing the expectiles of both the life expectancy distribution and two measures of lifespan variation: the Keyfitz's index and the standard deviation of the age distribution of deaths above the mode. This allows us to study the shape of the life expectancy distribution over time in light of the mortality compression process. The long-term dynamics of life expectancy in the developed countries is explored by focusing on the specific contribution of each country over time, highlighting different phases and transitions.

See paper

 Presented in Session P2. Poster Session Ageing, Health and Mortality