Hill Kulu , University of St Andrews
Julia Mikolai, University of St Andrews
The objective of this study is to investigate family trajectories of immigrants and their descendants in the UK and France. A growing body of literature examines partnership changes and fertility patterns among migrants and their descendants; however, most research studies one life event at a time (e.g. first marriage, first birth), little research has examined full family trajectories and their determinants. We compare family trajectories of the descendants of post-WWII immigrants and post-1990 immigrants, individuals from the same birth cohort, but with different migration experience. We move beyond sequence analysis and apply multistate competing-risks survival models, which allow the study of trajectories with and without adjusting for observed and unobserved characteristics of individuals. We use data from the UK Household Longitudinal Study and the Trajectories and Origins Survey. The study will significantly deepen our understanding of how various factors shape family trajectories of immigrants and their descendants (e.g. socialisation, parental background, education, employment, family history and societal context).
Presented in Session 75. Fertility in Migrant Populations