Anna Brydsten , Umeå University
Anna Baranowska-Rataj, Centre for Demographic and Ageing Research, Umeå University
Previous research stresses the importance of immigrants’ initial years on the labour market in the destination country for future wages and occupational attainment. Yet, little is known how these labour market trajectories influence their descendants’ future labour market pathways. This is what the present study aims to contribute by following a cohort of native and second-generation immigrants born in Sweden 1985 (n=72 409) and their parents across 26 years. Sequence analyses was applied to follow the order and timing of their labour market transitions. Next, this study examines how parental labour market trajectories that unfolded during young immigrants’ childhood determine the type of labour market trajectory that young immigrants end up with after they start their own working life. Preliminary results indicate a strong intergenerational reproduction of labour market disadvantages in Sweden where second-generational youths showed highest risk of being trapped in low-wage employments, unemployment and labour market exclusion.
Presented in Session 112. Intergenerational Linkages across the Life Course