Fatherhood after Union Breakup in Uruguay: Transitory or Life-Long Commitment?

Teresa Martin Garcia , Spanish Council for Scientific Research
Teresa Castro Martin, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (csic)
Ignacio Pardo, Universidad De La República
Wanda Cabella, Universidad De La República

Rising union dissolution in Latin America –and in much of the world– has increased public concern over the involvement of nonresidential fathers in the lives of their children. At the same time, social norms about post-separation fatherhood have changed, increasingly favoring not only economic support, but also participation in childrearing. In this study, we a) examine several dimensions of nonresidential fathers’ involvement with their children, b) test whether there is a link between pre-separation and post-separation fathering practices and c) explore which dimension of pre-separation fathering practices –engagement, accessibility and responsibility– is more influential on post-separation paternal behavior. The study is based on two waves of a longitudinal national survey carried out in Uruguay. Empirical findings suggest that fathers’ pre-separation involvement in childrearing affects their post-separation parenting behavior, although results are not conclusive in all aspects of post-separation involvement, and father’s educational attainment tends to have a more influential role.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session 106. Consequences of Union Dissolution