Jose Ignacio Carrasco , University of Oxford, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS).
This article analyzes the role of human and social capital as determinants of Colombian intraregional and extraregional migration, using data from the Latin American Migration Project (LAMP). The analysis is divided in two parts that consider a different specification of event history analysis models. The first part looks at the event of international migration as the outcome. In the second part, a set of three event history analysis is performed in order to look to the specific dynamics of intraregional and extraregional migration. Time varying independent variables are human and social capital. Human capital considers both educational and occupational attainment. Social capital is measured by variables of weak and close ties of people with migratory experience. Preliminary descriptive results indicate similar migration probabilities by sex for the first international migration. When distinguishing by intraregional and extraregional destinations, migration probabilities follow a different pattern over age. Extraregional migration seems to have a greater slope along the ages 20 and 30, while intraregional migration would have a more uniform pattern over the life course.
Presented in Session P3. Poster Session Migration, Economics, Environment, Methods, History and Policy