Brian J. Gillespie , University of Groningen
Clara H. Mulder, University of Groningen
Michael J. Thomas, Statistics Norway
Using information on stated motives for migrating among working-age individuals in the 2007 Swedish Motives for Migration survey (N = 1,852), we use multinomial logistic regression to examine whether and how moves for family are linked to labor market outcomes in ways that differ from migration led by more overtly labor-related factors. The results indicate that family-based migration is associated with worse labor market outcomes than migrations for employment. Additionally, family-motivated migrants with coresident children are more likely to experience labor market deterioration than those without children. Among those who were unemployed prior to moving, those who reported family as a motive for moving were significantly more likely to be employed after the move. These results help us better assess how families and social networks impact economic outcomes—negatively in some circumstances and positively in others.
Presented in Session P3. Poster Session Migration, Economics, Environment, Methods, History and Policy