Raising of c-Section Births in the Context of ‘Public’ and ‘Private’ Health Care Dichotomy: The Concern of Reproductive Health Rights of Women in India

Sanjit Sarkar , Poverty and Human Development Monitoring Agency

In the preview of dramatic increase of caesarean births, the study examines socio-demographic correlates of CS delivery in the context of ‘public’ and ‘private’ health facility using nationally represented cross-sectional survey (N=5328 live births).The CS rates were alarmingly high across the regions in private hospitals (ranged from 45 – 98%) compared to public hospitals (ranged from 6 – 30%). Further, 55% of total caesarean delivery were contributed by private hospitals only, with average delivery cost differential of INR 16000 in private and INR 5000 in public hospital. The multivariate analysis shows that the increased rate of caesarian delivery was positively associated with mother’s better economic status, high BMI of the mother, mother belongs to Hindus and ‘General’ category and higher educational attainment of the mother. These ‘unnecessary’ use of CS sections rises several public health concerns, which need to addressed in priority basis,

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 Presented in Session P2. Poster Session Ageing, Health and Mortality